Saturday, August 22, 2009


Hi friends and family! Well we’re currently in Athens, Greece –but not for long. Thursday we’re headed out to Switzerland with a 30 hour boat ride! Our work here has been incredible and I wish I could find the words that would compare. Most of the ministry that we have been doing is on the local public squares putting on street performances and evangelizing to the people. Our host here is a missionary from Korea, he’s lived here for many years and has a church for the refugees located in Athens. We’ve had the opportunity to open the building that we’re staying at to bring them in for a couple of English classes and a chance to feed them. We haven’t seen too many Greek people because from what we hear this is the season that most of them are off traveling so we’re getting to minister to many of the refugees. We’re staying in the red light district, which has been interesting, but I’m finding that the Lord knew exactly where he wanted us and we are just where we’re supposed to be. The street evangelism is beyond what I’ve ever done before or even seen. The drug rate is extremely high here, although it is illegal they are openly using on the streets in public- anywhere. God has truly opened my eyes and taught me how to not just feel sorry for people on the streets. All he had to do was simply remind me of how much he loves and adores the people who were before my eyes. It’s so pathetic how I quickly judge and harden my heart towards certain kinds of people. That’s just honesty. But for moments I was completely stripped of my pride and I learned what Jesus meant when He taught ‘God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.’ Matt 5:3-4 I realized again how poor I am in my flesh. How desperately I need my sweet Daddy. He put before me many who are in some of the worse cases of being alone, lost, and sick- and reminded me that I am no different than them. He longs to be so intimate with every single one of us. It’s such a mystery to me. One of the guys on the street walked to me and asked why we were on that specific square. He told me that if we just went a couple blocks up that way (pointing) we would be around people who weren’t doing drugs and they would listen to me. I thought that was funny. But we got to speak and pray with many people.

Only about 3 more weeks until I’m back in the good US of A. Yippy! Time sure goes bye. Thank you for all of your prayers and support through this crazy journey. I love and miss you all!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

home in Jordan

I've fallen in love with Jordan. 

 Our group split up into different homes in Madaba for a night to get a little taste of what an Arabic home is like. We performed at an Nazarene church two days in a row there and had such a great time meeting and talking to the people. I was so blessed by the family that took me and a few others of us into their home. We were welcomed in with a nice big arabic meal late at night to fill us up before bed..peta bread, humus, falafel, fresh tomatoes..mmmm and the list goes on. I could get used to that. 

Although it feels like we are performing non stop-we some how have found a way to fit in the sight seeing! I'll run through the list real fast..We performed at a small camp in Gilead that looked over the Valley-so beautiful!! We went to where King Herods palace was and where John the Baptist was beheaded..and on the way up we stopped and saw where he was in prison. Mount Nebo was probably my's the spot where God revealed the Promised Land to Moses. It was just crazy to stand there and see what Moses layed his eyes on finally after 40 years. Of course we went for a float in the Dead Sea and enjoyed a body mud mask as well.

Strangely I'm finding it easier to find each new place as home. Jordan has welcomed me in with open arms and I don't think I have the time to get enough of this land. 

King Herods palace

John the baptists prison

Mount Nebo

Dead Sea floating

Love and miss you all!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

turkey turkey turkey, i love your tea and baklava

Well I'm officially the worst at keeping up with a blog..that's okay, i knew it'd happen.

Our time in Istanbul is coming to an end..though I have loved it, I must say that I'm looking forward to Jordan. Before arrival we thought our schedule would be a little more crammed than what it's actually turned out to be..but I don't speak negatively because it's been such a perfect time to take a few breaths and enjoy our surroundings. Turkey and I have a love-hate relationship going on. The people are so hospitable and welcoming! I love the food, the weather, the city...but I'm finding out how hard it is just to find peace. Warefare is tough..

Sadly, a camera just can't capture the beauty of it all, but I'll share some of my favorites

view from my bed

my faavorite fresh squeezed fruit juice 

always busy

Welcome to our show:)

We performed here for all the waterparkers-that was interesting

Inside the Blue Mosque- so beautiful!

Lauren, Anna, and me on a ferry ride

Laura, Jessica, Cindy and I rode tandem around the whole Princess Island..such a blast!

I was tired

Inside the grand bazaar- aka the never ending shopping center

Jessica and I:)

I love my Anna

Love you!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

to my sweet father

Happy Dad day!!

 I love you!!!


Saturday, June 20, 2009

a breath of air

4 more days..

These past couple of weeks have gone by..well they've just gone by fast. Though I've had little time to stop and catch my breath, I couldn't ask for a better time or place to fall madly in love with my Daddy. Often times in life I fall away distracted, usually through my own selfishness, but I'm finding myself focussed, determined, longing after more. I want to only want Jesus.  That can be a confusing and even bothersome statement to some. I want that focus, that longing, that determination to be only for Jesus. A couple months ago for the first time in my life I received true revelation of how much the creature of the UNIVERSE loves me. Not the head knowledge but the heart. Well of course I knew, but oh this time it hit me like it was something I had never heard before. The best news in the whole entire world! Because my Jesus spoke it into me. At exactly the right time. He is so good. My prayer now is that I would never stop discovering the depth of His love. One of our speakers Dan, told us that 'missions' is a very simple's falling madly in love with Jesus somewhere new. And I would have to agree. That is very simple..but it can truly rock your world.

  A day after our arrival to Turkey we have 10 straight days of performing! AH! I'm still trying to figure in my brain how this whole packing thing is going to work out. We've got so many costumes and from the looks of it now, it'll take up most of my suitcase. We performed for the campus on thursday and over all it went great for a first performance. I had to slow down to a panic most of the day. hehe But I have a feeling after 3 months of performing we'll have it down just perfect:) We will be in Turkey until July 15th I believe and from there we'll head to Lebanon! Our performance is the story of the prodigal son. There's acting, singing, and dancing all incorporated. Our art is a tool, an instrument for the Holy Spirit to enter into the eyes of our audience to bring transformation.

 Here are just a few pictures I got a hold of from our campus performace!

getting ready for the opening dance! 

Dressing room!

Mighty Spirit- from the left- Cindy, Lauren, Kay, Me, Laura

Cindy, Kevyn, Me

Liz and Paula- they're so beautiful!

Daniel loves makeup hehe

PA Family!:)

Here's the travel dates so far-

Turkey: June 16th- July 15th
Lebanon: July 16th-Aug 1st
Israel/Jordan: Aug 2nd-15th
Greece: Aug 16th-31st
Switzerland: Sept 1st-11th
Back to KONA Sept 12th!

THANK YOU so much for all of your prayers!! 

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I sit silenced, in awe of what all the Lord has done for me. July 27th, exactly a week ago God completed one of His promises to me. A big one in fact. Every single penny that I was needing for my outreach fee came in. It shocks me to look back when God first called me to come to look at the amount. I couldn't have done it on my own. When I began to grow weary and fearful He ALWAYS reminded me that His faithfulness reaches to the heavens! I'm stuck here trying to find a way to say 'thank you' to all of you who have helped me reach this, but I can't even find the words. I must thank you for your obedience to the Lord when He told you to give, or just simply your love and care for me. You have blessed me in so many ways. This journey of the unknown has strengthened my faith more than I have ever imagined. He is such an abundant God. I have found that God may ask us, well...more like command us to do things that look beyond idiotic to the world, but it is in those places we find true fulfilling joy. We discover the true character of God. We learn to take up our cross and follow hard! We lean not on our own understanding, because it fails us, but we trust and believe. He is so faithful! 
This thursday is the final day to make all payments, there are a few more in my group that are needing large amounts. Please please join us in prayer! 

I love you all!

Monday, June 1, 2009

a few pictures!

dance class!

The girls that I work with in recycling!

Lauren, Anna, and I dressed up and put on some makeup for the first time in awhile. Enjoying dinner at our favorite thai restaurant:)

skyping with kyle! hehe